What You Need to Know
Prior to selecting a water well contractor for a job, it is a good idea to obtain information about several contractors in the area before making a choice. Here are some considerations.
- Is the contractor licensed by the state? Not all states require
- licensing. Florida does not require a license, but working with experienced licensed well contractors will ensure quality work is being done.
- Is the contractor certified through the National Ground Water
- Association? The highest level a contractor can achieve is MGWC
- (Master Groundwater Contractor), passing all specialty NGWA
- certification exams and a general exam.
- Does the contractor submit well logs?
- Does the contractor have adequate equipment in good condition to do the job?
- Does the contractor have adequate liability and workers’ compensation insurance to protect you?
- Is the contractor familiar with applicable health and safety codes?
- What is the contractor’s reputation with previous customers?
- Will the contractor furnish a written contract specifying the terms and conditions of the job?
- Is the contractor a member of the National Ground Water Association?
- Does he have a current NGWA sticker on his truck? NGWA
- members support the industry, have access to new technology and improved approaches, are dedicated to quality of workmanship, and promote and protect the groundwater resource. They know their stuff and will work with you to get the job done right. You can contact the NGWA customer service department at (800) 551-7379 or visit NGWA’s website for well owners, www.wellowner.org, and click on “Contractor Lookup” for a list of member contractors in your area.
Written Contracts
It is important to obtain a written contract when preparing to have a well constructed. Unless you know what each contractor will do for his specified price, you cannot compare offers and decide which one to hire. NGWA makes available standard contract forms to its members. For a drilled well, the contract might include:
- Liability insurance coverage held by both the owner and the
- contractor
- A statement that all work is to comply with local and state
- regulations and codes
- The diameter and well thickness of the casing to be used
- The type of well development and yield evaluation procedures to be used
- The type of screen to be installed, where needed
- The type of well cap or seal to be provided
- The disinfection procedure
- The cleanup after drilling, which includes all material abandoned without authorization at a drill site except drill cuttings and wastewater
- An anticipated date for start of drilling
- A guarantee of materials and workmanship. The contract should specify that the contractor will return to do or to correct the initial work if necessary